
18+ JetPlugins by Crocoblock

Rated 4.68 out of 5 based on 22 customer ratings
(22 customer reviews)

Original price was: $ 699.00.Current price is: $ 25.00.

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18+ JetPlugins by Crocoblock!

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What is included in the Crocoblock JetPlugins Bundle Pack?


Jet Appointments Booking,

Jet Style Manager For Elementor,

JetProductGallery For Elementor,

JetBlocks For Elementor,

JetCompareWishlist For Elementor,


JetSearch For Elementor,

JetTricks for Elementor,


JetPopup for Elementor,

JetElements Addon for Elementor Page Builder,

JetEngine for Elementor,

JetMenu – Mega Menu for Elementor Page Builder,

JetBlog – Blogging Package for Elementor Page Builder,

JetWooBuilder For Elementor,

JetReviews – Reviews Widget for Elementor Page Builder,

JetTabs – Tabs and Accordions for Elementor Page Builder,

JetForm Builder and Add Ons

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What is the plugin’s functionality?

In your website development journey, you’ll find an array of powerful tools to enhance functionality and design.

JetThemeCore enables easy customization and creation of dynamic headers, footers, and sections. Jet Appointments Booking ensures smooth appointment scheduling for your business.

Jet Style Manager For Elementor grants you full control over the design elements. JetProductGallery For Elementor enhances your product showcasing.

JetBlocks For Elementor provides a wide range of widgets and blocks. JetCompareWishlist For Elementor lets you create comparison and wishlist functionalities.

JetSmartFilters empowers you with advanced filtering options. JetSearch For Elementor allows for quick and accurate search functionalities. JetTricks for Elementor enables adding eye-catching visual effects.

JetProductGallery offers an optimized way to display your products. JetPopup for Elementor simplifies creating attractive popups.

Finally, JetElements Addon for Elementor Page Builder gives you access to a plethora of useful elements for seamless page building. These tools collectively make your web development experience efficient and enjoyable.

22 reviews for 18+ JetPlugins by Crocoblock

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Mohamed Ali (verified owner)

    JetSmartFilters is perfect for building dynamic product pages. It’s a lifesaver for creating advanced filter options.

  2. Rated 4 out of 5

    Pascal MAISON (verified owner)

    JetCompareWishlist is nice, but it could use more display options for different themes.

  3. Rated 5 out of 5

    Aamir Arif (verified owner)

    JetForm Builder has transformed how I handle forms on my site. It’s super flexible and intuitive.

  4. Rated 5 out of 5

    FRANCISCO JAVIER (verified owner)

    The JetTabs plugin is a great addition for organizing content on my site. It keeps things neat and user-friendly.

  5. Rated 3 out of 5

    Marcel Michael (verified owner)

    The JetPopup plugin is handy, but I don’t find myself using it as much as I thought I would.

  6. Rated 5 out of 5

    Mohamed Yassir (verified owner)

    JetAppointents Booking is exactly what I needed for my service-based business. It’s easy for clients to book appointments.

  7. Rated 5 out of 5

    Maria Lorena (verified owner)

    Overall, I’m thrilled with this bundle. It’s packed with useful features that work seamlessly with Elementor.

  8. Rated 4 out of 5

    Mirajuddin (verified owner)

    The plugins are powerful and easy to use, but I did experience a slight performance lag when using several on a site at once.

  9. Rated 5 out of 5

    Adil Rafiq (verified owner)

    The JetPopup plugin helped me create beautiful pop-ups for my site in no time. So easy to use!

  10. Rated 5 out of 5

    Aleksander (verified owner)

    JetEngine has helped me create custom content like a pro. It’s perfect for any advanced WordPress site.

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